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Edgeworx Solutions Inc. has a longstanding and intimate relationship with the business of telecommunications in Canada.  For 25+ years the Edgeworx team has actively participated in the transformation and growth of the  Canadian telecommunications industry, providing the major players with solutions and expertise at every level of operations.

Edgeworx is Uniquely Qualified

The depth and breadth of our experience with Canada's largest telecommunications providers makes us uniquely qualified as an integrator of technology and systems.  We provide wide ranging solutions designed to service all levels of industry operations; the enterprise, the network, consumers, and ancillary businesses. 

Our qualifications include:


  • A deep cultural understanding of the telecommunications industry.

  • Proven, certified technical skills.

  • Expertise in tuning solutions to meet the needs of the telecom community.

  • Enthusiasm for 'bringing the new' to solution shaping; leveraging wide-ranging, ever-emerging relationships in the tech startup community.

  • Experience in providing solutions to wireline, wireless, core and edge teams within the larger  enterprise.

  • Practice in strategic financial planning for investments in technology infrastructure.



Edgeworx Clients

Edgeworx Client - Bell
Edgeworx Client - Rogers
Edgeworx Client - Telus
Edgeworx Client - Cogeco
Edgeworx Client - BellMedia
NorthwestTel logo
Edgeworx Client - Equinix

Contact us



Edgeworx Solutions Inc.

36 Blue Jays Way, Suite 1102

Toronto, ON M5V 3T3

Our Services

Experienced service/system integrator for solutions and technology; 

Value added reseller; 

Trusted advisor.

Technology Assessments

IT Project Consulting

Managed IT Services

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Edgeworx Solutions Inc. and the logo are registered trade-marks 

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