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We Care, We Share

Caring Community Members

Creative, secure and effective digital transformations are our professional passion.  We are also passionate about helping others in the communities that we work and live in. 


We are pleased to be able to share that we continue to support our communities with charitable donations to a number of worthy organizations. Please take some time to read about the important work being done by these caring organizations.





Espanola Helping Hand Food Bank

In the fall of 2023 we teamed up with The Town of Espanola to host a Lunch and Learn for neighbouring municipalities to discuss industry trends and address various challenges they are facing with regards to business technologies and cybersecurity.




As a thank you, we at Edgeworx have donated on the Town's behalf to the Espanola Helping Hand Food Bank.



The Town of Espanola â€‹

'We are proud to work with Edgeworx and we appreciate their continued support to our Town and community.'


Allan Hewitt, CAO, The Town of Espanola

Hospice Georgina


"...Edgeworx Solutions Inc.'s dedication to corporate social responsibility and community engagement  sets an inspiring example for others to follow. We are touched by your commitment to making a  positive difference in the communities where you operate, and we look forward to a continued  partnership that benefits those who rely on the services Hospice Georgina provides.

Edgeworx Sharing - Hospice Georgina

Once again, thank you for your generosity and for being an integral part of our mission to make a  meaningful impact in the lives of those we serve... "


Laurie Ann Knapp, Executive Director Hospice Georgina 

Contact us



Edgeworx Solutions Inc.

36 Blue Jays Way, Suite 1102

Toronto, ON M5V 3T3

Our Services

Experienced service/system integrator for solutions and technology; 

Value added reseller; 

Trusted advisor.

Technology Assessments​

IT Project Consulting

Managed IT Services

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