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Improve your cyber security framework with cyberconIQ

cyberconIQ helps foster a positive cyber aware culture that enables your organization to be safer at work and at home.

Edgeworx has partnered with cyberconIQ to deliver proven cybersecurity solutions that reduce the probability of a human-factor cyber breach.

Edgeworx and cyberconIQ have worked together to assist a variety of organizations in improving their cybersecurity awareness and education.

Most organization’s focus on technology and risk-controlled process designs as their primary risk mitigation tools. cyberconIQ’s innovative Human Defence Platform enables a company to substantially reduce cyber risk by leveraging their CYBERology approach - the intersection of cybersecurity and psychology. It is cyberconIQ’s goal to help security leaders tackle total cybersecurity risk from an integrated perspective, targeting management’s attention on the human elements first.

Understanding your employee risk makeup is critical to improving your cyber risk posture. cyberconIQ’s patented psychology-based approach is proven to reduce your cyber risk exposure.

cyberconIQ’s Human Defense Platform encompasses a patented style assessment, security awareness training, and cyberconIQ’s cyber risk dashboard. Along with phishFixIQ, cyberconIQ’s unique phishing simulation and remediation training, academIQ, cyberconIQ’s student learning platform, and leaderIQ, cyberconIQ’s leadership training program.

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Edgeworx Solutions Inc.

36 Blue Jays Way, Suite 1102

Toronto, ON M5V 3T3

Our Services

Experienced service/system integrator for solutions and technology; 

Value added reseller; 

Trusted advisor.

Technology Assessments

IT Project Consulting

Managed IT Services

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