Edgeworx at the 2023 AMO Conference and Trade Show

About AMO
AMO, the Association of Municipalities Ontario works to make municipal governments stronger and more effective. Through AMO, Ontarios 444 municipalities work together to achieve shared goals and meet common challenges.
Through policy development, cost-saving programs, conferences and training opportunities, AMO provides municipal officials with tools to succeed, and programs to help maximize taxpayer dollars.
AMO Trade Show and Conference
The AMO Conference is an exceptional conference geared towards influencing public policy across Canada. Edgeworx is proud to be part of this conference and trade show every year.
From August 21-23, more than 2,500 municipal leaders, government officials, public servants, sponsors, exhibitors, and media gathered in the beautiful City of London to take part in the 2023 AMO Conference. This was the largest number of conference participants ever, and we are so thrilled we get to participate in such a large and influential conference.
We at Edgeworx value our unique opportunity to make direct impacts on the lives of Canadians; guiding communities towards strategic, effective use of technology and systems and being part of these conferences is just one way reach this goal!

Edgeworx & Polar Imaging

Edgeworx works with a variety of industry leading technology and solution providers to bring the best of breed tools and solutions to our clients. Polar Imaging joined us at the conference. Polar Imaging helps organizations save time, money and resources while increasing efficiency and productivity through digitization services and solutions that work with the client.
Check out our latest podcast with Steve Todd on the benefits of digitizing your organization. podcast: digitizing your organization.

Edgeworx & cyberconIQ
The best way to build cyber resiliency is through effective cyber security awareness, education, and training and that's what cyberconIQ specializes in - the intersection of cybersecurity and psychology.
Check out our recent podcast with Steve Boyles from cyberconIQ where we discussed best practices on how to lower your human risk factor across your organization. podcast: lowering your organization's human risk factor.

Thank you for coming by our booth, we look forward to these conversations every year! Edgeworx looks forward to working with you on your pursuit to digital transformation.
We look forward to seeing everyone at the 2024 AMO Conference in Ottawa!